Bench Advertising: How to Get Your Bench Noticed

Bench advertising is an effective and affordable way to get your advertising message out to those in your community, and with a properly designed ad, those results can be even more impressive. Bench ads allow repetition, which is very important in advertising, as people and motorists pass your bench several times a day, week, or month. In order to get the full benefits of bench advertising, Waverly Media is here to help you with design ideas and highly visible locations.  Here are six design tips to make your bench advertisement a success:

Ten Words. Max. The general rule for outdoor advertising is to keep it simple with no more than ten words on your design. You should get rid of any unnecessary information as it can be a distraction and pull away from your main message. Refine your message to the most basic element. Some examples would be, “Your Local Eye Specialists,” “Pay Diddly For Your Squats,” “Unique New and Used Furniture Store,” “Ride with the #1 Car Insurer in Florida,” and “Better Banking is ½ Mile Ahead On The Right!” You should make it unique for your business while keeping it basic. Get creative!

Give One Offer. Focus on one product or services and sell it to motivate people into action. It’s important to remember that direct response won’t happen right away. Bench Advertising is a way to build your brand and support a campaign. By putting a call to action on your bench along with your contact information, you will help motivate passer-byers to check out your business!

Get Noticed, But Don’t Be A Distraction. Outdoor Advertising is aimed at drivers, bikers, and pedestrians, so you only have a few seconds to get your message across. There is a fine balance between getting noticed and being a distraction when it comes to bench ads. Anyone remember the “Hello Boys” Wonderbra billboards (include link to the picture of the billboard?)? Drivers were so distracted by cleavage that some actually crashed into poles, medians, and each other. Now that’s an extreme, but for the 6 seconds that a driver will be passing and reading your bench, you want to give them the direct message.

Don’t Say It, Show It! Make your bench ad stand out in other ways, like colors and fonts. For an effective design, try to not use more than two or three different colors. Designs that have better readability have opposite colors. Our Design Tips page (with link) shows some readable colors and which fonts to use and which to skip for this advertisement.

The Ten-Foot Rule. A rule we’ve used for designs is the Ten-Foot Rule. Print out your design on a standard paper and tape it to a wall and step ten feet away. Quickly glance at it for three seconds. If it doesn’t work on the wall, it won’t work on the street. This rule will give you a good idea of how the ad will appear to viewers driving or riding by!

The More Benches, the Better! One bench is good, but not as effective as say three benches in your area. With Waverly Media, you can get multiple benches for a low rate, giving your business the one-up on others in the outdoor advertising industry!


Now that you have the tips to make your advertising count, call Waverly Media to help you design the most effective bench ad for your company. We have statistics on the number of views each location receives daily! Give us a call at 386-322-3600 to schedule a meeting today or check out available sites in your area to make your presence be known.

Bench Advertising: How to Get Your Bench Noticed

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