Habits for Creativity

Great ideas are started by small habits—and for business owners looking to add a bit of creativity to their ad campaigns, this is especially true. Tapping into creative inspiration from the world around you is easy when you’re equipped with the right tools and habits to do the job. In today’s blog, we will be sharing a few of our favorite habits for prompting creativity when you need it the most.

Work with likeminded people

Feeling stumped creatively? While writer’s block and similar situations can happen fairly frequently in the world of business, one of the best things you can do to get back into a creative swing is to work and spend time with people who share your purpose. This might be your colleagues, or it might be friends or family members who can help you relax, focus and think with a little more clarity.

Write down ideas as they come

If you’re looking for ways to improve your creativity and generate new ideas for ads, business plans and more, it’s always smart to carry a notebook (or even the notes application on your phone!) to write down ideas as they come. Over the course of a day, you might be surprised to learn just how many ideas or thoughts you have that could potentially lead to positive things for your business—so write them down when they come to you, no matter how small they might seem at the time.

Think outside the box

Don’t stick to the same ideas, processes and systems you know—feel free to branch out and see things in a new way in order to solve problems with innovation.

Study different forms of media

You may feel constrained to physical media as inspiration for your own ads—but you don’t have to be! The entire world of media can serve as inspiration for your bench ad or other needs, even if the mediums themselves are different. Pay attention to the commercials you see and the ads you come across online for ideas on what might work with your business.

Clear your mind

Finally, take time every day to clear your mind and relax. It’s hard to think creatively when you’re running on low sleep or experiencing stress at work, so it’s important to find time to kick back and focus on the creative side of things when possible.

Developing creative ideas is all about pulling from the world around you—and we hope that we’ve helped you do just that!

Habits for Creativity

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