5 Signs of a Successful Ad Design

When it comes to designing ads to promote your business, don’t you wish there was a way to spot a successful ad before sending it out? While you can never be completely sure whether a specific ad will do what you want it to, there are a few traits that virtually all good ads share. Keep reading today’s blog to learn what they are, and to find out how you can implement them into every design you create.

Purposeful appeals

Every ad makes use of some sort of appeal—whether it be emotional or more practical. Think about a few of the best (or most memorable) ads you know. Do they stand out because they made you laugh? Tugged at your heartstrings? Maybe even made you hungry?

Or did they give you concrete, relevant information when you needed it most—perhaps by directing you toward a turn you had to make, or by advertising the number for a legal office whose services you could use? You remember these ads because they served some kind of purpose—whether they made you laugh, stop in for a bite, or make an important decision. A successful ad is designed with purpose, so be sure to have yours in mind during the design process.


Of course, an ad that attracts customers has to be visually appealing. This means making thoughtful decisions about fonts, colors, sizing of words and the use of relevant images—and then making sure they all look good together!


How do you know what looks good and what doesn’t? Often, it’s a matter of instinct—many business owners or designers themselves will know instantly if an idea “clicks” or not—but it never hurts to get a second (or third, or fourth) opinion from friends or coworkers. Over time, you will also learn to know a successful design from one that’s less-so by the response you receive from customers.

Color (and the thoughtful use of it)

Virtually every successful ad has colors in it that attract attention, evoke a certain mood, and work well together. Those ads that don’t feature color (and instead are made with neutrals like black and white) are done so with purpose. Always put thought into the color and pairings of color that you put into your ads—it may not seem like much now, but an attractive color scheme pays off!


An ad wouldn’t be an ad if it didn’t offer at least some kind of information. For your bench ad, that usually means a phone number or other contact (or directional) info, at minimum, in addition to slogans, company name and other important but brief pieces of info.

Something that sticks

Almost every successful ad has something—whether it be a catchy slogan, funny photo, or other element—that sticks with commuters and passerby long after they’ve seen the ad. Make it a point to place a memorable “something” in your bench ad to remind customers of you and your business!

Designing attractive, successful ads may not always be easy—but when you find the right pairings of colors, type and other elements, you’ll find that it clicks together in an impactful way.
We’ve given you design tips, now let us help you with the next step! Call us today at (386) 322-3600 to get started on your unique ad campaign.

5 Signs of a Successful Ad Design

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