An Eye for Design: Inspiration Wherever You Go

If you’re currently in the process of designing an ad for your Florida business, you already know how intricate the steps can be—but funnily enough, the biggest step toward a great design happens before you ever sketch anything out! Finding inspiration—especially in unexpected places—can be a challenge at first. But by knowing where to look and how to pull from the ads and other media you see every day, you can effectively use what’s around you to create your own compelling designs.

Below, we will be sharing a few of the best places to look for design inspiration.


Perhaps not surprisingly, your place of business can be a great place to pull inspiration from for your ads. Because you’re looking to promote your business, getting to know and understand the colors, designs and layouts of your company literature and stationary (to name just a few resources) can be immensely helpful in providing color, font and style ideas for your bench ad campaign.

When it comes to bench advertising—and most types of advertising, for that matter—it always helps to unify your ad with the look and feel of the company itself. By keeping an eye out for inspiration at work, you’re more able to achieve this.

Around the house

Even when you’re relaxing at home, you should always have an eye for design open and ready to act. Items in your home, especially foods and clothing, can evoke certain responses—just as you want your ad to evoke responses from the audience. Always pay attention to TV commercials you watch, clothes you slip into and packaged foods like cereal and chips that you eat—you might find more than one design principle to pull inspiration from!

The movie theater

Headed to the movies on your next day off? Keep your eyes peeled for attractive advertisements and other promotional material that can serve as inspiration for your next ad campaign.  


Finally, don’t forget the power of nature when it comes to providing you with design inspirations! By always observing nature at the park or in your own everyday life, you will be able to keep meaningful images, colors and symbols handy and ready to use in your next design. Beautiful designs can be found in butterfly wings, tree formations, animals and much more out in nature—you just have to start looking.

Do you use these spots to draw from in your designs? By keeping an eye out for inspiration (and always carrying around your camera phone!), you can observe and reference great designs when you see them. We hope that this brief guide helps you find the design inspiration you’ve been searching for.

An Eye for Design: Inspiration Wherever You Go

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